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EM - 1
Patient Centered Care

Intro to EM - 4 weeks
Emergency Medicine - 16 weeks
Peds Emergency Medicine - 4 weeks
Anesthesia - 4 weeks
Medical ICU - 4 weeks
Cardiovascular ICU - 4 weeks
EM Ultrasound - 4 weeks
EM Sports/Ortho - 2 weeks
Trauma - 4 weeks
Research - 2 weeks
Vacation - 4 weeks
EM - 2
Data Driven Performance

Emergency Medicine - 24 weeks
Peds Emergency Medicine - 4 weeks
Medical ICU - 4 weeks
OB/GYN - 4 weeks
Pediatric ICU - 4 weeks
EM Ultrasound - 2 weeks
Trauma - 4 weeks
Toxicology - 2 weeks
Vacation - 4 weeks
EM - 3
Emergency Medicine Mastery

Emergency Medicine - 32 weeks
Peds EM - 4 weeks
Administration - 4 weeks
EMS - 2 weeks
Ortho - 2 weeks
Elective - 4 weeks
Vacation - 4 weeks

At Aventura Hospital and Medical Center, we are implementing an exciting and innovative curriculum which focuses not only providing our residents with an outstanding emergency medicine knowledge base but also "real life" needs of an emergency physician. These include our Longitudinal Pathways, in which residents are given one day per week to develop and pursue a niche in emergency medicine under the guidance of one of our many fellowship trained EM faculty, our Wellness & Mindfulness program which ensures a happy, fulfilling, life-long career in Emergency Medicine, and exposure to practicing in the modern environment of privatized medicine.
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